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Hear from our community of educators

Don't just take our word for it – hear from real educators at over 3,500 institutions around the world currently benefiting from access to Digital Theatre+. 

Drama Success Stories

Like many drama teachers, finding exciting and modern resources to engage and be accessible to students was one of Don Landrigan's primary aims when he found Digital Theatre+.


"DT+ allows us the opportunity to watch good quality theatre. I would have a very hard time even completing my course without the opportunity DT+ provides. Joining up is perhaps the single best piece of advice I’ve been given"

Don Landrigan, Theatre Teacher, Japan

Watch Don's video 
Don Langridan
Bindya Chauhan

"Digital Theatre+ has been an excellent resource for our students and department. The videos, resources and teacher packs have saved me time and really helped with home learning."

Bindya Chauhan, Head of Department, Hong Kong

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dan stanley

"We received a free trial of Digital Theatre+ and were incredibly impressed with the content and accessibility of the platform."

Dan Stanley, Head of Drama, Kent, UK

Read Dan's full case study
missey head

"Our teachers and students feel blessed to have the resources [Digital Theatre+] provides. We are receiving rave reviews from students regarding the quality and value of these productions."

Missey Head, Immediate-Past President of the Texas Educational Theatre Association, USA

Read Missey's full case study

English Success Stories

For English teacher Drew Wilson, Digital Theatre+ has supported him to increase engagement in the classroom and help students develop a deeper understanding of the texts studied.


"Digital Theatre+ is an excellent classroom resource. There’s so much variety beyond the specialism of Shakespeare, including study guides, audio performances and interviews. "

Drew Wilson, Leader of English Faulty, Hong Kong

Drew Wilson
sarah griffiths

"Using Digital Theatre+ as a flipped learning tool encourages our pupils to think more independently and to develop what we have established in lessons."

Sarah Griffiths, English Teacher, UK

Read Sarah's full case study

"You can't go wrong with the value of having plays performed in front of students and having them understand the importance that this is a play."

Isobelle Mason, English Teacher, UK

Watch Isobelle's case study

"My students are more engaged because they can actually see and hear the actors' performances. They have learned to pick up on the varying productions' nuances."

Elaine Borgonia, English Department Chair, California

Read Elaine's full case study

Higher Education Success Stories

Access to a wide range of theatre styles is a key challenge when teaching Theatre and Performance, as literature Professor Sandra Adell found before joining Digital Theatre+.


"I think it's so helpful that students see and hear people on the site who have different accents, who speak differently. That helps to open them up to what's happening in other parts of the world. It widens their understanding," she says.

"I don't know another platform that is as vast as this is. It's just my go-to place."

Sandra Adell, Literature Professor in the Department of Afro American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Watch Sandra's case study
Sandra Adell
Kat Low

"It's had an impact in terms of the number of students we've been able to take to the theatre, it has felt more equal – students have been able to access a wide range of theatre."

Katharine Low, Senior Lecturer in Applied Theatre & Community Performance, Royal Central School of Speech & Drama

Read Katharine's full case study
dan barnard

"The access to interviews in combination with the performance is really useful: seeing the journey the artist went on, hearing about their process, and seeing the results."

Dan Barnard, Senior Lecturer in Drama and Performance, London South Bank University

Read Dan's full case study
karen cecilia

"As a Theatre Professor, the use of Digital Theatre+ is essential. It gives students of diverse backgrounds access to world-class performances that represent different cultures and perspectives."

Karen Cecilia, Theatre Professor, City University of New York

Read Karen's full case study
Frantic Assembly@2x
Old Vic
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Almedia Theatre
British Council
Young Vic
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ETT CMYK Logo Jan 2013@2x

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