An Inspector Calls Practical Workshop Guide
Deepen your students’ understanding of An Inspector Calls with this ready-made practical workshop guide.
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Whether you're teaching ELA or Theatre, access a range of high-quality instructional resources on J. B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls.
An Inspector Calls | Production | J. B. Priestley
Discover video and written resources to help you teach An Inspector Calls, including lesson activities, contextual guides, and exclusive insights to help you address the play's language, themes, characters and more.
Starring David Thewlis as the enigmatic Inspector, engage your students with this television adaptation, which enhances the play’s themes of social responsibility and shared humanity.
Deepen your students’ understanding of An Inspector Calls with this ready-made practical workshop guide.
Designed to save valuable prep time, and with versions available for both English and Drama, our lesson toolkits provide everything needed to explore the narrative, characters and key themes of An Inspector Calls, complete with quizzes and extension questions.