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[Free Resource] A Timeline of Western Theatre History 

Get your Interactive Classroom Poster today!

Looking for fun and unique ways to teach key theatre movements in the classroom? This interactive poster takes students through key periods of the performing arts in a multimedia format.

  • Foster indirect learning in the classroom
  • Easily reinforce complex theatre ideas
  • Make learning more memorable

Featuring easy-to-use QR codes that allow you to jump directly to production examples from each theatre movement and period, this is more than just a poster: it's a multimodal learning tool.

What do theatre educators think?

"DT+ provides an interdisciplinary and multimedia approach to the discussions that students have, and the questions they ask about how art, identity, and history all influence one another"

– High School Theatre Educator, US

Foster Indirect Learning

Make your classroom work harder by providing educational stimulation and encouragement on every wall.

Make Learning Memorable

Scan the QR codes on this poster to jump directly to production examples from each theatre movement and period.

Reinforce Complex Ideas

Give students a visual aid to understand how Romanticism led to Naturalism, or why post-war periods shift to the absurd.